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January Birthday Chrism Christian Christmas Cretin Epistle Jubilee Joy Light Mitral Saturate
Jargon Tongue Lingo Gorge Gourmet Vomit Gargle Gargoyle Language Glossary Swallow Glutton 
 Jove Bubo Bubonic Crural Groin Inguinal Jovial Juvenile Puberty Pubic Pubis Pudor Vital Youth
 Jovial Bubo Bubonic Crural Groin Inguinal  Juvenile Jove Puberty Pubic Pubis Pudor Vital Youth
Joy Birthday Chrism Christian Christmas Cretin Epistle January Jubilee Light Mitral Saturate
Jubilee Birthday Chrism Christian Christmas Cretin Epistle January Joy Light Mitral Saturate
July 4th Independence Day
 Juvenile Bubo Bubonic Crural Groin Inguinal Jovial Jove Puberty Pubic Pubis Pudor Vital Youth
Kid Calyx Kidney Renal Nephrology Neptune Pelvis Orina Urine
Kidney Calyx Kid Renal Nephrology Neptune Pelvis Orina Urine
Kiss Lip Lick Saliva Slick Spit Spittle Suck
Knee Hand Handle Man Manual Mankind Digit Thumb Five Finger Fist Pug Pygmy Palm Knuckle Carp
Knuckle Hand Handle Man Manual Mankind Digit Thumb Five Finger Fist Pug Pygmy Palm Carp Knee
Kronos Chronic Chronos Cronus Saturn Eon Time
Kyphosis Calyx Coxa Curve Gibbus Heap Hip Hook Hump Hunch Pelvis Scoliosis
Labor Abortion Birth Berth Bear Born Newborn Inborn Delivery Pregnancy Laboratory Nature Natal Brood Leto Lochia Light
Labor Day Labor Day
Laboratory Abortion Birth Berth Bear Born Newborn Inborn Delivery Pregnancy Labor Nature Natal Brood Leto Lochia Light
Lactose Milk Galactose Casein Serum Breast Mammary Mammal
Lame Limp Limb Person Penis Arm Leg Member Amputate Phocomelia Clubfoot Mero
Language Tongue Lingo Gorge Gourmet Vomit Gargle Gargoyle Jargon Glossary Swallow Glutton 
Larynx Collar Sound Sonority Stentor Shriek Scream Song Gullet  Voice
Lax Lip Philtrum Cheilo Vermain
Leto Abortion Birth Berth Bear Born Newborn Inborn Delivery Pregnancy Labor Laboratory Nature Natal Brood Lochia Light
Lick Kiss Lick Saliva Slick Spit Spittle Suck
 Light Abortion Birth Berth Bear Born Newborn Inborn Delivery Pregnancy Labor Laboratory Nature Natal Brood Leto Lochia
Limb Limber Limp Member Membrane Amelia
Limber Limb Limp Member Membrane Amelia
Limp Limb Limber Member Membrane Amelia
Light Birthday Chrism Christian Christmas Cretin Epistle January Jubilee Joy Mitral Saturate
Lip Lax Philtrum Cheilo Vermain
Liver Live Life Fatal Fate Thanatos Heal Health Sanity Salud
Lochia Abortion Birth Berth Bear Born Newborn Inborn Delivery Pregnancy Labor Laboratory Nature Natal Brood Leto Light
Logorrhea Rheumatism Rhea Rhinitis Rhethoric Rheostat Rhine Amenorrhea Diarrhea Pyorrhea Seborrhea
Lordosis Achondroplasia Classic Trophin Humanism Digital Lumbar Diet Spontaneous Lordosis Sperm
Love Amor Amorous Amateur Love Like Life Lovely Libido Psyche Cupid Cupidity Cup
Lumbar Achondroplasia Classic Trophin Humanism Digital Lumbar Diet Spontaneous Lordosis Sperm
Lupercalia Carnival Carnaval Mardi Gras Bacchanalia
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 Lavoisier, one of the founders of modern chemistry who recognized that new concepts called for new words and that phenomena, ideas and words reflected one and the same reality.

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