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Chronic Ileum Ileitis Ileac Ileostomy
 Janus January

This overview concerned with  KRONOS, CHRONOS or CRONOS exposes ideas implicit in CHRONOLOGY, CHRONICITY, HARMONY and TIME.  Chronos was also known as EON. Another overview exposes the links of SATURN or JANUS with JANUARY, ILEUM, ILEITIS and other vistas related to medicine.

Youth tend to show disregard for Father Time (Vouet).

A prophecy declared that CHRONOS would be dethroned by his son ZEUS in retribution for having castrated his father URANUS. To avoid such fate, CHRONOS escaped to LATIUM and became LATENT among the LATINS. Saturn make great efforts to SATURate Romans with abundance which led Chronos to become known as SATURN. His high standing in Rome is reflected in the fact that the Roman treasury was kept in his temple and that the most important annual Roman festivity was named SATURNalia.


Roman forum and temple of Saturn (Right).

To further avoid his fate, Chronos ate or canablilized his children, as depicted by Reubens and Goya perhaps to denote that "time devours all".

Time creates and devours all (Goya, Rubens).

CHRONOS, in his role as AEON or EON, stands for eternity or "of infinite age". There is a poetic proximity between EON and EOS or DAWN who as ALBA personifies the onset of each DAY. Poets described Eos as she who;

"travels high above earth ...
she tints the orient with gold ...
she is the rosy fingered morn ...
the mother of the morning stars ... ".

Eos reminds us that sidereal time as measured by DAY cycles which transcends the sort of time measured by human watches and CHRONOmeters. DAY or DIA and poDIA, naDIA, DYU, DIOS and DEUS are Indoeuropean, Ukrainian, Spanish and Latin terms linking day, light, event, and hope with God and when expanded by AYUS, AEUUM and AETAS, encompass ideas of "duration of life" as per eons and eternity.

Aurora as Sidereal time is quite illuminating (Guerin).

Linking eternity with deities is not new. The patronym for ZEUS was CRONIDES to underscore that the father of ZEUS or JOVE was KRONUS. Perhaps JOVE was JOVIAL because he was timeless, ageless thus eternal. In Rome, Jove or Zeus, Mithra as well as Saturn stood for the eternal. Saturnalia was in fact a pagan Christmas until Christians absorbed many of the symbolisms of Saturnalia and Mithraism. One tactic was to transfer the symbolic birthday of Christ from January sixth to December twenty fifth, which is the birthday of Mithra.


Dawns begin Days and remind humans of Deities (Dujardin, Breton).

CHRONOS impacts the nature of things. The logical human mind perceives reality more or less CHRONOlogically. Nonetheless, in biology, time is quite relative as revealed by ORGANic RHYTHMS of ORGANisms such as cycles of DNA replication, cell divisions, sleep and other periodic phenomena. ORGANic RHYTMS must RIME and HARMonize an ORGANism with extra corporeal CADEnces and CALENDars or otherwise health will fall or deCAY as in CAER, CADE, and CADUCARY, words that underscore ideas in FALL and FALLING.

CHRONIC implies LASTing. It is surprising that many fail to realize that CHRONIC pain can destroy life. This point is made by CHRONICles about Hercules  who chose to forgo his immortality to be able to escape his agony from pain by dying or committing suicide. CHEIRON or CHIRON, the pioneer of surgery, also suffered from CHRONIC unbearable pain.

Chronos and Athena protect wisdom and beauty from the ravages of time (Sandrart).

Originally, KRONOS was a Deity concerned with agriculture and harvests which is implicit in his nickname of "the ripener" and his depictions with a scythe, syckle or a pruning knife. He is also depicted with his head covered with a veil to stress the common plight of farmers of being unable to predict the climate.

CHRONOS personifies time,  infinity and energy, three vital cosmic powers named Cronico, Kosmos and ILIACo.

Shiva is a paradox as is life.
Shiva creates and destroys

ILEAC, ILIAC, ILEITIS, ILEOSTOMY, ILEUM, ILEUS share, roots but have acquired distinct overtones. Basically, ELIOS which in Greek points to rotation, loop and curl are found in terms describing sun cycles as well as bowel loops or curved loins.

ILIACo, personifies energy and the term is rooted in HELIOS, ELIOS, EILEIN, ILIA, ILIO and HELIOS for sun, rotation, loop, roll, curl, twist, and loin. In more poetic terms, ILIAC stands for the "genius or spirit of the sun". ILIAC also means hip or haunch as well as the terminal portion of the narrow intestine or jejunum or "small intestine" wich in fact is quite long.

ILIAC also refers to the largest hip or pelvic bone. Perhaps the link of hip with energy has to do with procreation which often is energized by swaying hips.

ILEITIS refers to an inflamed ILEUM which often is due to Crohn disease, a chronic granulomatous inflammatory disorder of unknown cause or etiology afflicting any portion of the intestinal tract but with preference, the terminal ILEUM. A serious complication of Crohn disease is ILEUS or mechanical bowel obstruction due to its thickening. ILEUS can also be due to intestinal paralysis.

Regarding CHRONUS as TIME, it is best to admit that humans do not know how to define TIME. Calling time a MOMENT, INTERVAL, or an INSTANT does not clarify matters. Even St. Augustin confessed that

"if no one asks me
I know
but if any person should require me to tell him
I can not ... ".

Some poet said
"... it flies, it crawls ...
it passes inexorably ...".

Some philosopher remarked
"Tempus fugit" for "time flies".

A retort by A. Dobson is
" ... time goes you say
ah no!
time stays, we go".

The vanity of power promotes pretenses to timelessness.

Speaking of Chronos and its transformation into Saturn has prepared us to welcome the new year and meet with Janus in January.

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