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Abdomen Esophagus Stomach Gastric Gastroschisis Abdomen Ventral Ventricle Omphalos Omphalocele
Abort Abortion Euphoria Euthanasia Eugenics Thanatos Teratos Teratogen Teratothanasia  
Abortion Birth Labor Gravidity Pregnancy Fertility Gestation
Abnormal Agenesis Abnormal Adnexa Anencephaly Abortion Abdomen Abduct Adoliet Cephalad Cauda Caudad Vagus Varus Vulge Vara
Achondroplasia Classic Trophin Humanism Digital Lumbar Diet Spontaneous Lordosis Sperm
Aesculapius Esculapius Caduceus Medicine
Aetius Catarsis Nose Nostril Catarrh Choriza Epistaxis Nasal Bow Beak Proboscis Rhino Rostrum Prow Pinocchio
Agenesis Agenesis Abnormal Adnexa Anencephaly Abortion Abdomen Abduct Adoliet Cephalad Cauda Caudad Vagus Varus Vulge Vara
Agraphia Grappa Graft Griffin Scythian
Ahead Head Skull Cephalea Cap Skeleton Sclerosis
Aidos Mathematics Manic Memory Madness Mind Alienate Conscience Frenzy Schizophrenia Mental
Alcohol Spirit Soul Dialogue Diabetes Dialysis
Alien Optimism Psyche Idea Idiot  Psychology
Alienate Aidos Mathematics Manic Madness Mind Memory Conscience Frenzy Schizophrenia Mental
Alopecia Hair Hirsute Hispid Capillary Crinite Trichomona
Amazon Amazing Mast Mastectomy Maze
Amazing Amazon Mast Mastectomy Maze
Amelia Limb Limber Limp Member Membrane
Amenorrhea Rheumatism Rhea Rhinitis Rhethoric Rheostat Rhine Pyorrhea Diarrhea Logorrhea Seborrhea
Amnesia Anamnesis Mnemosine Memory Memorial Mind Remind Remember
Amputate Limp Limb Person Penis Arm Leg Member Lame Phocomelia Clubfoot Mero
Anemia Pale Pallor Livid Anemia
Anencephaly Medusa Saggital Sage Forehead Caput Hydra Biceps Triceps Conjoined Twins
Anthrax (A | B | C) Anthracite Carbon Carbuncle Skin Spore Edema Weapon Boil
Apollo (A | B) Artemis Diana
Apoplexy Beat Mortal Pest Pulse Plague
Arm Limp Limb Person Penis Arm Leg Member Lame Amputate Phocomelia Clubfoot Mero
Aspire Breath Breeze Exhale Expire Inhale Inspire Halo Perspire Respiration
Asphyxiate Throat Faucet Pharynx Throttle Suffocate 
Atremis Chase Chaste Chastity
Baba Yaga Baba Yaga
Bacchus Bachelor Maenad Dionysus Frenzy Phrenology
Bachelor Bacchus Maenad Dionysus Frenzy Phrenology
Baccchanalia Carnival Carnaval Mardi Gras Lupercalia Bacchus
Barn Bastard Achondroplasia
Bastard Barn Achondroplasia
Beak Nose Nostril Catarrh Catarsis Choriza Epistaxis Nasal Bow  Proboscis Rhino Rostrum Prow Pinocchio Aetius
Bear Abortion Birth Berth Born Newborn Inborn Delivery Pregnancy Labor Laboratory Nature Natal Brood Leto Lochia Light
Beat Apoplexy Beat Mortal Pest Pulse Plague
Belch Belly Gut Stomach
Belly Gut Stomach Belch
Berth Abortion Birth Bear Born Newborn Inborn Delivery Pregnancy Labor Laboratory Nature Natal Brood Leto Lochia Light
Bes Elfin Idiot Nanism Psycholo
Biceps Medusa Saggital Sage Forehead Anencephaly Hydra Caput Triceps Conjoined Twins
Birth Abortion Berth Bear Born Newborn Inborn Delivery Pregnancy Labor Laboratory Nature Natal Brood Leto Lochia Light
Birthday Chrism Christian Christmas Cretin Epistle January Jubilee Joy Light Mitral Saturate
Blind Blunder Circle Cycle Tuerto Topo Mole Oedipus Plutus Orion Homer
Blunder Blind Circle Cycle Tuerto Topo Mole Oedipus Plutus Orion Homer
Born Abortion Birth Berth Bear Newborn Inborn Delivery Pregnancy Labor Laboratory Nature Natal Brood Leto Lochia Light
Bow Nose Nostril Catarrh Catarsis Choriza Epistaxis Nasal Beak Proboscis Rhino Rostrum Prow Pinocchio Aetius
 Breast Milk Galactose Lactose Serum Casein Mammary Mammal
 Breath Chest Thorax Pectoral Pectus Breast Stern Sternum
Breeze Aspire Breath Exhale Expire Inhale Inspire Halo Perspire Respiration
 Brood Abortion Birth Berth Bear Born Newborn Inborn Delivery Pregnancy Labor Laboratory Nature Natal Leto Lochia Light
Bubo Bubonic Crural Groin Inguinal Jovial Juvenile Jove Puberty Pubic Pubis Pudor Vital Youth
 Bubonic Bubo Crural Groin Inguinal Jovial Juvenile Jove Puberty Pubic Pubis Pudor Vital Youth
Buccal Buckle Mouth Chew Cheek Oral Oracle Os Ostomy Osteo Ossicle
Buckle Buccal Mouth Chew Cheek Oral Oracle Os Ostomy Osteo Ossicle
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 Lavoisier, one of the founders of modern chemistry who recognized that new concepts called for new words and that phenomena, ideas and words reflected one and the same reality.

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