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Death Die Disease Hell
Decapitate Headache Force Forceps Front Migraine Capella
Delivery Abortion Birth Berth Bear Born Newborn Inborn Pregnancy Labor Laboratory Nature Natal Brood Leto Lochia Light
Dermis Skin Cutaneous Hair Hairy Pelt Fleece
Demeter Ceres Cereal Ceremony Cerebral Mother
Diabetes Alcohol Spirit Soul Dialogue Dialysis
Dialogue Spirit Soul Diabetes Dialysis
Dialysis Spirit Soul Dialogue Diabetes
Diarrhea Rheumatism Rhea Rhinitis Rhethoric Rheostat Rhine Amenorrhea Pyorrhea Logorrhea Seborrhea
Die Death Disease Hell
Diet Achondroplasia Classic Trophin Humanism Digital Lumbar  Spontaneous Lordosis Sperm
Digit Hand Handle Man Manual Mankind Carp Thumb Five Finger Fist Pug Pygmy Palm Knuckle Knee
Digital Achondroplasia Classic Trophin Humanism Lumbar Diet Spontaneous Lordosis Sperm
Dionysus Bacchus Bachelor Maenad Frenzy Phrenology
Dis Disease Sick Disability
Disability Dis Sick Disease
Disease Dis Sick Disability
Dragon Tragic, Tragus
Dwarf ( A | B | C ) Midget Gnome Pigmy
Ear Easter Auricle Pinna
East Easter Yeast Paschal Passover
Easter East Easter Yeast Paschal Passover
Educate Mother Nurse Nurture Nutrition
Elfin Bes Idiot Nanism Psycholo
Endymion Hypnotic Sleep
Epistle Birthday Christian Christmas Cretin January Jubilee Joy Light Mitral Saturate
Epistaxis Catarsis Nose Nostril Catarrh Choriza Epistaxis Nasal Bow Beak Proboscis Rhino Rostrum Prow Pinocchio Aetius
Esculapius Aesculapius Caduceus Medicine
Esophagus Stomach Gastric Gastroschisis Abdomen Ventral Ventricle Omphalos Omphalocele
Eugenics Abort Abortion Euphoria Euthanasia Thanatos Teratos Teratogen Teratothanasia  
Euphoria Abort Abortion Euthanasia Eugenics Thanatos Teratos Teratogen Teratothanasia  
 Euthanasia Abort Abortion Euphoria Eugenics Thanatos Teratos Teratogen Teratothanasia  
Eye Eye Ocular Vision Blind Ceres Apollo Light See Mind
Exhale Aspire Breath Breeze Expire Inhale Inspire Halo Perspire Respiration
Expire Aspire Breath Breeze Exhale Inhale Inspire Halo Perspire Respiration
Face Facies Facet Fact Factory Faculty Fashion Physiognomy
Facet Facies Face Fact Factory Faculty Fashion Physiognomy
Facies Facet Face Fact Factory Faculty Fashion Physiognomy
Fact Facies Face Facet Factory Faculty Fashion Physiognomy
Factory Facies Face Facet Fact Faculty Fashion Physiognomy
Faculty Facies Face Facet Fact Factory Fashion Physiognomy
Family Tuber Tuberculosis Thigh Thumb Thick Muscle Muslo Gamba Gamble Femur Feminine Pheme Phoneme Telephone
Fashion Face Facet Fact Factory Faculty Physiognomy
Father (A | B ) Parent Parenthood Pattern Pater Paternalistic Peter Paternity Petroleum Patrimony
Faucet Throat Throttle Pharynx Asphyxiate Suffocate 
Feminine Tuber Tuberculosis Thigh Thumb Thick Muscle Muslo Gamba Gamble Femur Family Pheme Phoneme Telephone
Femur Tuber Tuberculosis Thigh Thumb Thick Muscle Muslo Gamba Gamble Feminine Family Pheme Phoneme Telephone
Fertility Abortion Pregnancy Gravidity Gestation
Finger Hand Handle Man Manual Mankind Digit Thumb Five Carp Fist Pug Pygmy Palm Knuckle Knee
Fist Hand Handle Man Manual Mankind Digit Thumb Five Finger Carp Pug Pygmy Palm Knuckle Knee
Five Hand Handle Man Manual Mankind Digit Thumb Carp Finger Fist Pug Pygmy Palm Knuckle Knee
Fleece Skin Cutaneous Dermis Hair Hairy Pelt
Food Nutrient Comestible
Force Headache Migraine Forceps Front Decapitate Capella
Forehead Medusa Saggital Sage Caput Anencephaly Hydra Biceps Triceps Conjoined Twins
Frenzy Bacchus Bachelor Maenad Dionysus Phrenology
Front Headache Force Forceps Migraine Decapitate Capella
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 Lavoisier, one of the founders of modern chemistry who recognized that new concepts called for new words and that phenomena, ideas and words reflected one and the same reality.

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