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Pandora Word Box Illustrated Overview
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Trepanation Trepidation Trepanate
Trembling Tremor Treponema
Trypsin Trypanosoma Trypanosomiasis Chagas Disease

"The greatest enterprise of the mind has always 
been and always will be the attempted linkage 
of the sciences and humanities ..." 
Edward O. Wilson, in "Consilience", 1998.

The ideas in 
TREPANATION or craniotomy and in
have to do with bit, bite, bore, gnaw, grind, 
rub, perforate and have roots in 
TREP as in 
TREPANAR in Spanish to 
TREPAN TREPHINE or drilling a hole and 
TREPidation for fear or terror 
TRE as in
TREmor or flutter 
TREponema denotes screw or helix like organisms
TRY and TRIAL have to do with struggle 
TRIPe or intestine stands for a hollow organ 
TRYPsin denotes an enzyme that gnaws on proteins 
TRYPANOSOMA refers to a terrible parasite.

The above relates loosely with 
FENESTRATE highlighted just before and 
denoting  opening, window, gap  which stem from 
PHAINEIN - a Greek word for "to show" which 
underscores how our sensory windows perceive 
PHENOMENA we can call 
PHENOTYPES in contrast to dreams which can be
(Find above links in Pandora's Word Box CD)

Stop here and view the foundation for the above 
or see more comments below.

| Trepanate, Trepidation, Trephin, Treponema ... |
| Tremor |
| Trismus, Tetanus |
| Trypsin ... |
| Trypanosoma, Chagas Disease |


Note how in Sanskrit
TRASATY denotes to 
TREMBLE and Ukrainian
TRASTY  denotes to shake or Latin
TREPIDATION which in Spanish is 
TEMOR or fear and
TRYPE  in Greek for TO RUB and HOLE 

TREP and its links with trembling or shiver 
are reflected in the fondness of Bulgarians 
for the Aspen tree or
TREPetlik and its 
TREmbling leaves and the Ukrainian word
TREPaty denoting "to make shiver". 

History records that 
TREPanation was known before Hippocrates and
to this day the procedure engenders 
TREPidation among those who must endure it.

An old poem states that the first case of 
syphillis concerned Siphlos or Syphilus who 
got infested with the 
TREPonema Pallidum. 

TRISMUS or lockjaw continues to occur in victims 
of Tetanus who bite their tongue, gnaw their 
teeth and have a jaw locked in a griding position.

TRYPSIN is an enzyme discovered by rubbing.

To close, 
TREP TREMBLE TREPIDATE share ideas with 
quake, quiver, qualms, quirks which are 
sentiments dear to Ares or Mars as the 
God of War who humbles humans by unleashing 
his progeny 
DEMIOS or Terror 
ERYS or Discord
PHOBOS or Alarm  
PANIC or Fear and
ENYO  or Trembling which we find represented 
in loose quivering trembling pantaloons, pants 
or pantalones in Spanish.

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