Day Red Rose Purple Cardinal The current CONSTELLATION includes the clusters <><> RED <> ROSE <><> PURPLE <> CARDINAL <><> In brief RED implies BLOOD LIKE or SANGUINE sp SANGRE = BLOOD note CARMINE CARNIVAL sp CARNE FLESH RUBOR sp RUBOR FLUSH in MEDICINE ERYTHEMA skt RUDHIRAS === ROSE implies RED FLOWER sp ROJO = RED ukr ROZA = ROSE note ROUGE LIPSTICK RUTHENIAN UKRAINIAN RUSSIAN === PURPLE implies BLUISH ROSE sp MORA MULBERRY lat MORUM MULBERRY note PURPURA implies CADAVERIC bluish color of those poisoned by CYANIDE or already DEAD it relates to IOS IODES IODINE === regarding CARDINAL implies CRITICAL HINGE PRINCE OF THE CHURCH in ROYAL PURPLE sp CARDENAL = BRUISE or HEMATOMA CARD A TOOL === for MORE regarding the above | RED ROSE | | CARDINAL PURPLE PURPURA | | Tags and Abbreviations Explained | |