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Nas Nasal Natal Natality
Engraved before 1811 from an original in the then Museum Pio Clemens in Rome (Click for details)
Esculapius (Medicine) between Mercury (Merchants) and the Graces (Medicine, Hygiene and Panacea)
Esculapius dealt with Patients - Merchants make deals with Clients

~ NAS       note cluster of implications
            id+ | NOSE         see> NEONATE
                  NATALITY     see> BIRTH
                  NUTRIMENT |  see> NUTRIENT
~ NASAL     see> NOSE
~ NATA      sp for MILK CREAM as if what appears or
            in this case a membrane of cream
            id+ | WAS IS BORN or EMERGES |
~ NATAL     id+ | BIRTH as in INNATE or see> NATIVE |
~ NATALITY  id+ | BIRTH RATE |          see> NATION
            for etymology
  see> NOSE
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