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Can Medicine be dissociated from Humanism?
Ideas in words suggest that this can not be so.

       MedWord - "Word Play" 

In Ukrainian NARKOSA  = anesthetic
             NARKOMAN   addict to narcotics
   Greek     NARKE      NUMB      note DUMB
             NARKISOS   FLOWER

NARKISSOS, also known as NARCISSUS, is the subject 
of various versions of a tragic story of profound 
love and death. NEMESIS subjected his CORPSE to 
METAMORPHOSIS and created a FLOWER we call 
NARCISSUS. Ever since, poets made this story 

Derivative ideas from the above are found
in: METAbolism  METAphysis MORPHOGENesis MORPHeus  
MORPHine  CORPs  CORPse inCORPorate  CORPoration 

The links of NARCISSUS to NARCOTIC arise from 
the property of many FLOWERS to alter our 


The play with words that follows is laborious 
but I will try to simplify ...

Love can become "love sickness" and like a 
narcotic, become NUMBing.           (DUMB)

NARCOTIC effects can result from "things" like 
drugs or abstractions like speeches, poems, 
music  ... and induce STUPOR and even STUPIDity 
by obscuring mental LUCIDITY and DIM the WIT of 
a victim who may justify the label DIM WIT  ... 
in other words, the IDIOm of NARCOMANIA has the 
power to block IDEAS and engender IDIOcy.

NARCOTICS can be LETHAL, a fact well known to 
the ancients. The Goddess LETHE was fond of 
HADES where she liked to visit a beautiful meadow 
in Elysium dedicated to OBLIVIOUS people resting 
in OBLIVION. This meadow, known as ASPHODELUS, 
was free from deLAPIDAdated LAPIDAS made by 
ancient LAPIDAries and free from CEMENT artifacts 
effacing modern CEMETERIES. Instead, the 
resplendescent meadow was covered with splendid 
flowers we know as daffodil, snow drop, amaryllis 
and of course, NARCISSUS. Modern Botanists place 
these flowers in the ASPHODELINE group and mention 
them as a source of NUMBING and "DUMBING" agents.

Probably Goddess FLORA is pleased to see modern 
experts popularize the idea that NARCOTIC drugs 
are "RECREATIONAL". I doubt that this EUphemism 
has roots in the idea that the etiology of 
NARCOMANIA has to do with "boredom", but who 
knows?  Perhaps NARCOTICS can "recreate" dreams 
usurped by reality and can boost. NARCOLEPTICS 
like MORPHINE induce dreams worthy of MORPHEUS, 
"the dream shaper" and may refresh a soul with 
fantasies denied by reality ... love, family, 
community, and most of all, hope.

One avenue to avoid BLAMe and BLEMishes is 
through ilLOGical neoLOGisms crafted by 
metaMORPHosis of good words into EUphemisms. 
Much energy is expended to understand 
"drugs and crime". Juvenile criminals are 
EUphemistically called "confrontational" 
"conflicted" ... and NARCOMANIA is BLAMed 
on family, school, and societal BLEMishes. If 
all else fails, "medicalizing" NARCOMANIA 
with a "disease" label may do the trick. 
Perhaps such proclivities stem from homocentric 
humanist ideoLOGy or theoLOGy that assumes 
that humans have perfect natures and that its 
flaws are due to neglect by parents, society ... 
and more recently genes. 

A counterpoint is offered by scientists who 
"culture" human cells with ease but are aware 
that to metaMORPHose a NARCISSISTIC infant or 
an egocentric youth into a social being requires 
another sort of "culture".

The metaphor in MORPHine MORPHeus includes his 
twin brother THANATOS who links reversible dreams 
with deadly OBLIVION. Juveniles prone to experiment 
with NARCOTICS and may underestimate the risks of 
THANATOPHORIC NARCOLEPSY leading to an encounter 
with LETHAL LETHE and a memorial in the ASPHODELINE 

Be this as it may, we must go on living and 
try to remain gay, oops! I beg your pardon! I 
forgot that this is one of those "politically 
correct" EUphemisms conFISCated and cataLOGed 
by FISCal agents for matters related to altered 
sexual inclinations. Ooops!, again, "altered" 
may also be "incorrect" or at least be 
perceived as "insensitive" -  should I say 
"challenged" instead?

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