Pandora's Word Box
W. Wertelecki, M.D.
COPYRIGHT 1994 - 2000
All rights reserved
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During the Holidays some will get a "cold" or "choriza" ... others will realize that their "chorion" harbors a pregnancy or that their "core" is beating with joy as if these "tissues" which are like "textiles" reflect the "toil" and chores we endure and which can be reflected on our skin which may call for "toiletry" agents for our "tegument" to hide or screen some of our care and perhaps a wrinkle or two ... /\/\/\/ CHRISTMAS \/\/\/\ Let us remember that this feast is older that Christianity. The date chosen to celebrate the NATIVITY of Jesus Christ is also the date of the birthday of MITHRA. It is remarkable that Sir Thomas More, a devoted Christian, chose Mithra as the deity for his Utopia. If may explore a page or two about Christmas, Christians, Janus and January /\/\/\/ NEW YEAR \/\/\/\ Deposed from Olympus, Saturn was welcomed by Janus. It was a new beginning - The pair became fused into a BIFORNS, a figure with one face gazing toward the past and the another scanning the future. One idea is that all men are equal in from of Saturn or Chronos or Father Time, who is represented as an old man holding a scythe. Time is inexorable. (more on Saturn, Saturday and Saturnalia) ":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":" \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":" Ideas in NILL or ZERO are so complex as to be intertwined with long held myths.NUL in Ukrainian is ZERO but such is challenged by LIFE and UNIVERSE represented in ZODIAC to glorify ZOO SPERM (azoospermia) LIFE and ZEUS and ideas in CYCLE or CIRCLE of LIFE or an anNULar concept that contradicts NIHILIST and puts stress on anNNULAR ANNUAL or RING even found in anatomic ideas as in spherical sphincters like those of the aNUS Go to the Zoo, rent a bicycle and watch life cycles - but males should be aware that bad bike seats may contribute to the causes of azoospermia. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| I am challenged with showing how PENALTY POVERTY POOR and POUR may relate to OSTEO POROSISIn brief PORUS implies GAP which is the core idea in POOR POUR ... OSTEOPOROSIS ... POROUS BONE because of POVERTY in calcium ... explore the above and see if you agree. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| For those who asked how "pot" or "potty" link with "potable" note that as with other instances, an explanation starts with the Gods. POTAMIA Goddess of rivers, perhaps most popular in MESOPOTAMIA because she provided for most POTABLE nourishments but ... eventually POTOP in Ukrainian FLOOD of Deluge - or TORRENT ended that phase of human history Some say it was the Bosphorus that caved in and let the Mediterranean flood the basin of what today is the Black sea - a good reason for Ukrainians to remember when they TOAST which in Ukrainian is PROSIT for ASK or BEG may have to do that they do not wish another flood - in any case TORRENT links with BRINDIS in Spanish BRINDAR denotes "to dedicate" ... POTABLES as a POTION imBIBED for the health of self or others as BEER or other BEVERAGE and since potable is what we feed kids or BEBE in Spanish drink and also BABY who endure pouring foods like PORRIDGE that their bodies have to AB SORB and may even be a SORBET containing SORBITOL ... explore the above, you may like it ...Have a good day. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| THANKSGIVING The occasion calls for examination of the ideas in: Thank which relates to Giving which relates to Grace which relates to gracias and Alms which relates to alma Soul This segment is devoted to expose ideas in ACUTE ACOUSTIC AUSCULTATION ACUS is like a NEEDLE or an ACCUSATION regarding SHARP or ACUTE sensations including AKOUIN which stands for HEARING and ACUITY which may acutely decrease with age and cause AGONY or call for ACUPUNCTURE performed by some "CUTE" lady This portion is dedicated to ARGENT and this silvery element has to do with clearing or ARGUE as well as with CLEAR VISION as in ARGUS and with ARGENTINA where many greedy adventurers got ARGYROSIS after being treated with ARGYROL causing ARGENTAFFIN disease leading to ARGUMENTS akin to those among Argonauts Separate visitors challenged me to link LARD LEAD LEADER with RAPID RAPE RIP CORRUPT and ... there it is ... FAT and eating to much can be FATAL and RIP your arteries and become a ROUT of your health and a ROUTE to get you to a place with signs RIP meaning REQUIESCAT in PACE as if QUIET or quiescence is the QUESTION mostly for those who are dead or QUIT this world to ACQUIESCE ... but returning to FAT it is worth to note ADEPS leading to ADIPOSITY and Greek ALEIPHATOS or in Ukrainian OLYJ originating from OLIVES giving us OIL to ANOINT with OINTMENTS or CHRIO Greek for ANOINT adopted by CHRISTIANS ... so we now are ready to explore LARD from LARDACIOUS bacon and BUTYRUM or BUTTER which is a solid LIPID and evolving toward ideas of CEBUM SOAP SEAR SUET STEARIN ... for further points you are on your own just take the time to click and read ... if you do not - then it is a PITY because your PITUITARY may miss the point and POMMEL your health ... Yes, we got lost on the FAT branches of LARD ... the intended order was RUPTURED because I wanted to show how RAPE and RAPID and WARS LOST by ROUT are ways to CORRODE and CORRUPT just as absolute power can - Notably Jefferson said ... you can read how Lord Acton came with this EPIGRAM which he repackaged from what Gibbon said and how Gibbon repackaged what Burke said - before the merchants lawyers and publishers of this century gained control of Congress to plagiarize was not a crime - which brings me the point that excecutioners stuffed ideas in words like ROBE which they "RIPPED OFF" from victims for RIPPING their heads off with a clean chop ... ponder then how RIP ROUT ROB ROBE ROBBER ABRUPT RUBBLE DISRUPT and INTERRUPT and even BANKRUPT so many ... depressing, nes pas? well, this is just a play on word ideas so do not get a HERNIA or RUPTURE but do ponder why LEAD a poisonous metal also found in DIPLOMAS is related to APLOMB which is like having a PLUMB from Latin PLUMBUM for LEAD as if to LEAD in politics one must know this poisonous metal as if to remind LEADERS that power is also a POISON that can CORRUPT the life of others. ECLAT is what some ECLECTIC people use to exploit the ECOLOGY of others and to ECLIPSE nature as is the case when women have ECLAMPSIA or ECTOPIC pregnancies or teens seek ECSTASY in a vain attempt to reach UTOPIA Please lend me your EAR or PINNA to insure you get the DETAILS The Devil is in the DE TAILS !!! and ... it even has a TAIL and reminds us how INFINITE are conceptions regarding FINE are the ideas about BUTS and ENDS and that CAUDA or TAIL is like a TWIG that is also a CONSEQUENCE that follows all dogs I do know that the above ENTAILS ideas leading toward RETAIL nor toward TAILOR but I do know of relevant roots in TALLE TALLER TALIA which have to do with size waist work and even MONEY FINALLY I can deFINITIVELY show some ideas in FINE that like FINIALS suggest some FINAL and deFINitive links with FINANCIAL and views on how FINANCES relate to FINES and to TAXES which are like a BUR levied by FINICKY BURLy BUReaucrats lacking FINESSE and who stress that TAXes are INFINITELY better that our ultimate FINIS which has also to do with FAIL and the FAILURES of PINEAL glands causing people to look like a PINE and PINE AWAY from PAIN CLICK HERE FOR CURRENT KEY EXCHANGES and REQUESTS DISPLAYED BELOW ARE RECENT KEY EXCHANGES REMINDER FREE OFFER STUDENTS EDUCATORS SCHOOLS UNIVERSITIES COLLEGES ACADEMIC CENTERS may request to be on our e-mail lists or distribute contents of these pages without alterations provided that credit is given by showing Author and Source as given below. NOTE: Complete contents on CD are out - $37 To order contact Editor ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||| <> Recent Emphasis is on Medical Terms <> ||||||||| ECZEMA is an ERUPTION that DISRUPTS the skin with ENZYMES and crops of BOILS that disturb the PRURIENT because they cause severe PRURITUS To name this skin CORRUPTION, the ANCIENTS thought of BOILING stones - we can imagine how ZEIN or "to BOIL" can also evoke ideas of ZYGOTE which is a little lump that joins like a ZYGOMA developed and developing beings and since ZEUS had to do with life and therefore with ZOO this leads to ENZYME which are required for life and the generation of various creatures needing a place in the ZODIAC where as a magnificent belt of stars remind us of life and ZOOLOGY ... ZZZZ (have a good day) All is in flux ... so is this site. It is the first time that I impose on you, our visitor, a personal message. I have received so many stimulating and complementary e-mail that I must express my acknowledgment and gratitude to all of you who are so kind as to acknowledge the labor I share freely with those who might be interested in "clearer" thoughts. With many thanks, W. Wertelecki M.D. October 13, 2000. This time I respond with some comments and links to "clear" ideas linked with META MORPHOSIS and therefore also connected with ideas concerned with META and METE which are pregnant with "goal" "measure" and "do" and create fear as in METICULOUS ... few of us like to be "measured". The "play on words" below should be enough to "clear" the way and more clarity may be found in the links provided. Man is "a measure of all things" said Protagoras and MEASURE or scale applies to MEDICINE that requires that to METE MEDICATIONS the process must be METICULOUS in a way as to METER its prescriptions to serve as a MEDIA to mediate or at least medicate METEORISM and to impose a MEASURE on what MEDICS should do including measures to METAMORPHOSE diseases back into health or to confront METABOLIC disorders and instances of tissue METAPLASIA or DYSPLASIA and fears of cancer and METASTASIS but ... there also are patients with tender METACARPALS or METATARSALS or a sore METAPHYSIS needing treatments that do not disturb the PHYSIS or "nature of things" nor irritate MORPHEUS and create a need for MORPHINE which is linked to what can be seen as a mental METAMORPHOSIS that alters our views by mutating PHYSICAL brain function - the task of PHYSICIANS includes avoidance of pitfalls abundant in METAPHYSICS which has led some great philosophers to METAPSYCHOSIS and inhumane ideas while others crafted METAPHORS that define worthy "metas" or goals ... To move on ... consider the dictum in the METAPHOR "CARPE DIEM" ... it mandates we carve our day or happiness with our own METaCARPALS and METhods. Have a good DIEM. Some students had the "nerve" to flood us with requests for word roots dealing with "nervous" as if knowing that nerve (confidence) contradicts nervous (insecurity) ... we do not feel that sophomore students are oxymorons but sopho implies sophisticated and moro implies moron ... so it is! (in English at least) MYELIN Stems from "marrow" which refers to the core of nervous and bone tissues ... MYELIN represents a "natural" cellular substance with properties akin to those of an "electric insulator" GLIA Cells that manufacture the GLUE that hold the neuroGLIA reflect similar ideas found in GLUTEN produced from GLUCOSE ... TEMPORAL The ideas in TEMP are vast ... we can not conTEMPlate most of them here except note that beyond TEMPests and TEMPles there floats a TEMPorary hypothesis - perhaps ancient physicians called one cerebral lobe TEMPORAL because they may have realized that its injury altered the TEMPER and ability to conTEMPorize ... also note how TEMPORARY flows toward TENT TENTATIVE TEMPLE TENT Often TEMPles or TABERNacles arose under a TENT as if to stress TEMPorary TENToria and TENTORIUM ... the human cerebrum is separated form the cerebellum by a MENINGEAL TENTORIUM. MENINGES The name points to MEMBER MEMBRANE as if to stress that the MEMBERSHIP includes the female femur or thigh and the masculine PENIS. FALX Has to do with FALCHION or SICKLE or SCYTHE. The SCYTHIANS are no more ... but the SCYTHE as a symbol persists ... a modern Bolshevik may not know that SERB SERBIA is linked with sickle and its use as in KOSATY in KOSOVO ... FALCIFORM Sickle like as in sickle cell anemia THREE GRACES Daughters of Esculapius named HYGEIA for HYGIENE PANACEA for potable potions that cure MEDITRINA for MEDICINE SURGERY SURGEON from CHIRON the teacher of Esculapius and personalized by Chiropractors MEDICINE The medium to meditate about life and health STAFF Has to do with ambulatory teams and walking STICK also used as a magic stick to heal or CADUCEUS in modern times used by kings and religious or military leaders as a magic emblem MERCENARY A word-idea paying tribute to MERCURY or HERMETIC HERMES thus related to AMBIGUOUS MORALITY akin to sexual ambiguity known as HERMAPHRODITISM PLASTIC Think how PLASTIC is PLASMA or how adept or adaptable are the shapes of some parasites like PLASMID as if they were like PLASTER or some tissues that change shape into a NEOPLASIA or a new morphology often preceded by DYSPLASTIC signs that pathologists cal DYSPLASIA FRENZY I am in trouble to expose the ideas in this word-idea unless you believe me that it has to to with Spanish FRENO for BREAK and the idea that our mind is the organ PHRENIA that has control of our feelings or emotions and therefore motions and that such controls may be lessened by SCHYZOPRENIA and by mental "retardation" or OLIGOPHRENIA or HYPOMENTIA GIG Is the "verb" or "word" that "reverberates" GIGantic ideas that expropriated the name of GIGES King of Lydia who had a GIGantic fortune ... the "idea" is further personalized in GIANT but ... there is more to GIG than ideas about "large" like GIG = billion or nine zeros after a 1 or 1,000,000,000 ... GIGA is VIGOR SPIRIT even J. S. BACH could not resist and was reprimanded for composing GIGAS based on popular dances known as JIG ... this is just a piece of a GIGantic JIGsaw puzzle to puzzle people with GIGantic fortunes who behave like JERKS or as bad as a GIGOLO and who should be made to JOG and JOGGLE and JIGGLE to induce GIGGLES and OGGLES from the less fortunate mortals. HEAL To cover, recover ... Restore ... restaurants restore as well Healing or Curing with Cures reminds of Spanish Cura = Cure and Priest, as if to underscore that HEALTH ... is more than just matter ... it is preservation of SELF or HOMEOSTASIS ... Ukrainian likar = physician liki medications Latin liquere melt to clear or liquidate other ideas; fit, sane, hardy |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| W. Wertelecki, M.D. Copyright 1994 - 2000 All rights reserved Comments are truly welcome! Menu of previous posted "word-ideas" and "MedWord" |
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