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Dolphin Delphi Didelphi Womb Woman Uterus Utopia
Engraved before 1811 from an original in the then Museum Pio Clemens in Rome (Click for details)
Esculapius (Medicine) between Mercury (Merchants) and the Graces (Medicine, Hygiene and Panacea)
Esculapius dealt with Patients - Merchants make deals with Clients

DELPHIC oracle orated 
PITHY prognostications and upheld that the 
DELPHI was the center of the world or its
OMBLIGO  Spanish for
DELPHOS in Greek is 
UTERUS  or in Latin
ABDOMEN where food is 
ABDUCTED or from where babies are 

I apologize that Apollo must enter into this 
story. His father was ZEUS or DEUS, a DEITY 
fond of ZOOS. His mother was LETO. During her 
pregnancy, Leto was tormented by the monster 
PYTHON. Leto could hardly find a LITER or 
currently LITTER, to LAY and DELIVER Apollo 
who became the god of LIGHT and known as Helios 
Phoebus Sol or also as SaVITA for his VITAlity. 
Apollo's first mission was to slay the Python 
which he found by becoming a 
DOLPHIN and the spot where they met is known as 
DELPHOS later the site for 
PYTHIAN games and for older women consecrated as 
PYTHIAN oracles ... 

The links of the words given below are obvious, 
UTERUS flows into 
UTERUS and even, perhaps
UTOPIA depending how you interpret the puzzle 
left by Thomas More in his idea of UTOPIA as
"no place" which he did not call 
EUTOPIA perhaps to underscore that humans are 
bound by UTERUS WOMB WOMAN for otherwise humanism 
could perish like 
ECTOPIC GESTures or GESTations. 

More prompted his friend Erasmus to write 
"Praise of Folly". The legacy of these two 
immortals is worth examining when pondering the 
explosion of human populations but without 
forgetting that More lost his head for his 

Exploring further 
DELPHI we note the city of 
PHILADELPHIA or "brotherly love" as if the same
UTERUS was the home of many but some
WOMEN suffer from 
DIDELPHIA and have a 
DIDELPHUS or "split" or "double"
WOMBS which can cause concerns as if this 
MATTER of a poorly fused 
MATRIX may impinge on 
MATERNITY plans so dear to 
MOTHERS who have 
MATRONLY aspirations as 
MATES who hope that 
MATING will insure that parental genes will 
MATERIALIZE in a child to be kept on the family's
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