MAZE AMAZING MAST MASTODONT MASTECTOMY MALE MUSCLE MASCULINE MASTURBATION ![]() Often MAST MASTECTOMY is mistakenly grouped with roots related to MASTURBATION. Another mistake is to assume that AMAZING is linked to AMAZON. The "play on words" given below concentrates on AMAZING MAST and MALE MASTURBATION Many of us heard that AMAZING AMAZONS inhabited the shores of the Black Sea and that they underwent MASTectomies to be less encumbered during battles with MALEvolent MALES. After the AMAZONS were crushed by the Greeks, the name of the Black Sea was changed from AUXine to EUxine to show that it no longer took AUXilliary forces to dare to visit the area. The EUxine shores, particularly in Crimea, became known for their healthy environment that promoted EUphoric and EUgenic living. Much later, the Spaniard who explored the largest river in the world was so AMAZED that he named this river AMAZON. In Spanish, AMAZED does NOT exist, so it seems that Francisco de Orellana must have picked the AMAXON name for other reasons, many say because the Indians that attacked him wore skirts but ... humans are also "breast fixated". Note that later, geneticists speak of MASTodonts and physicians of MAST cells, the former for "breast like teeth" and the later to point out high cellular fat or lipid content. Of course, for centuries we have known that breast and breast milk are lipid rich. Most recently, a MAZE of AMAZING legal activities was prompted by those who accepted grafts to improve their breast "graphics". To close, we note that the roots MUS MAS giving rise to MUSCULUS MUSCLE and MALE MASCULINE EMASCULATION is not the same as MAS or MAST. Note that it is MAS TURBATION which may be disTURBING but it is not MAST urbation. For more explore the links offered below: | AMAZING MAZE MAST MASTECTOMY | | Tags and Abbreviations Explained | |