Finger Fingerprint Index Thumb ![]() ~ FINGER id+ | STICK LIKE PALPATING ORGANS | ^u id+ | HAND DIGITS | see> DIGIT ~ FINGERPRINT see> DERMATOGLYPHICS id+ | ORGANS THAT GRASP | as in for etymology include see> FIVE eng FANG = and FIVE both are TOOLS that can SEIZE CLASP GRASP ukr PALECZ FINGER may relate to PALKA STICK or STEM eng POLLEX THUMB and GREAT TOE or HALLUX skt PASAS NOOSE SNARE sp DIGITO DIGIT sug> DIGITAL DEDO FINGER sug> DEDUCT biol> FORMALLY FINGERS ARE DIGITS sug> DEDUCE ARE CONSTITUTED OF THREE PHALANGES EXCEPT FOR THE THUMB and THE HALLUX THAT HAVE TWO PHALANGES hx> FINGER NAMES IN ORDINAL SEQUENCE ARE Modern name Latin and comment 1st THUMB POLLUX or PULGAR in sp PULGA or FLEA in sp Note used as gesture against an evil eye used and as a sexual coarse insult see> FIG or FIGA 2nd INDEX SALUTARIS or INDICE or FORE-FINGER INDICE in sp Note used for SALUTATION and in gestures as for silence when placed on lips attention if placed on the eyelid art> an index joined with the thumb when the rest of fingers are extended is a called SINMUDRA for MEDITATION ukr MUDRA = WISE see> MIND art> an extended index and the rest of fingers flexed in Hindu terms represents a threat and in modern terms a pointer 3rd MIDDLE MEDIUS and IMPUDICUS INFAMIS MEDICUS hx> an obscene gesture when raised med> used for rectal examinations 4th RING or ANNULARIS of the HEART CARDIAC Note the myth> was that the nerve of the left finger went directly to the heart 5th LITTLE MINIMUS or AURICULARIS note GREAT TOE see> HALLUX cont> see> THUMB sug> INCH see> DIGIT | Tags and Abbreviations Explained | |