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Engraved before 1811 from an original in the then Museum Pio Clemens in Rome (Click for details)
Esculapius (Medicine) between Mercury (Merchants) and the Graces (Medicine, Hygiene and Panacea)
Esculapius dealt with Patients - Merchants make deals with Clients

~ EGG  see> NUCLEUS         sug> NUCLEAR
  lat OVUM    = EGG         sug>  OOCYTE
  gr  OON       same        
  sp  HUEVO     same
      JA        I
        IE      AM
          CZE   THIS
  biol> implies INDIVISIBLE LIVING UNIT     sug> ATOM
        lat VITELLUS = EGG YOLK             sug> VITAL
         sp YEMA       same from lat GEMMA  sug> GEM 
  ply> | THE EGG YOLK IS VITAL and it may
         become a GEM or GERMINATE into 
         GEMINI with GERMS |
  note   Easter Eggs as a symbol of new life
         consider Paschal Egg etc.
  hx> Ukrainian traditions retained the crafting of
      the most exquisite Easter eggs decorated by
  a host of complex techniques called
  PYSANKA from PYSAT = to write
  colored eggs lacking major decorative features
  are called KRASHANKA from KRASKA = color or stain
  PYSANKA EGGS are achieved mostly by using a
  "batik" like technique or protecting areas
  of the egg with wax which when removed exposes the
  surface to various natural coloring agents
  myth> the decorated egg as symbol of life and of
        fertility precedes Christianity by millennia and
  was introduced to the "west" mostly from the "east"
above edited as part of a word complex related to EASTER
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