Danae ![]() ~ DANAE id+ | GOLD ENGENDERS TEMPTATION | id+ | GOLD can IMPREGNATE MIND and BODY | myth> daughter of EURIDICE & ACRISIUS QUEEN and KING of ARGOS for more see> ACRISIUS AN ORACLE DECLARED THAT ACRISIUS WILL BE KILLED BY A SON OF DANAE TO AVOID SUCH FATE ACRISIUS SEQUESTERED DANAE IN A TOWER OR CHAMBER OF BRASS HOPING THAT THE ENCLOSURE WAS IMPREGNABLE NONETHELESS DANAE WAS IMPREGNATED BY ZEUS WHO REACHED HER DISGUISED AS sug> METAMORPHOSIS A SHOWER OF GOLD DANAE CONCEIVED A SON WHOM SHE NAMED PERSEUS as if to underscore PER ZEUS PERSEUS became the founder of the house of PERSIA continued see> PERSEUS continued see> ACRISIUS art> CARREGGIO [#] TITIAN [#] lived under the oppression of the VATICAN and AUTOCRATIC ROYALTY COSSAERT [#] CORREGGIO and TITIAN depict DANAE DISROBED with open thighs to receive a SHOWER of GOLD on the other hand COSSAERT who lived under the oppression of a MERCANTILE societies that gave rise to THE KINGDOMS NETHERLANDS and BELGIUM painted DANAE with an emphasis on INNOCENCE note the provocative paintings by CORREGIO and TITIAN were hidden behind curtains until this century note contrast with rulers of the ROCKEFELLER enterprises who ordered the destruction of murals by Diego de RIVERA [#] sug> CENSORSHIP sug> OPPRESSION art> note CORREGIO risked his standing by his EROTIC depictions like ZEUS metamorphosed into a bear and giving a "bear hug" to IO the face of IO appears so ECSTATIC or sug> ORGASMIC that the royal patron ordered the face repainted cont> THIGH | Tags and Abbreviations Explained | |